so the other night we watched Batman and last night Batman returns!
so did a ton of sketches of the joker, (some I'll post once I've scanned them) but this morning the one at the top page of my sketchbook I took a grainy photo of and did some quick colours.
I find I try to draw the joker a lot compared to other characters, purely because I find it so challenging to do, the psychotic eyes and the smile but also drawing the massive Bruce Forsyth chin and the long nose sitting over his teeth...

was struggling with which joker to draw too, so did both the classic and the more sinister arkham joker.
not really 2 different jokers, just at different emotional stages maybe. The more classic, him at the top of his game. Perhaps the arkham one he's more desperate and needs to be more psychological in his plots to get under bats skin...?
I did think the other night while watching Jack Nicholson remove his bandages, how great it'd be if they redid this scene in the new 52, his face being re-attached so that was the subject for a lot of my sketches.
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