Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Page 8 New Drones

wayne hughes comic art

Overall I’m very happy with the page. Has been said that perhaps panel 1 and 2 of Golbre reflecting isn’t too clear, but I always thought at that time if it was published id have it coloured and this would help define everything. Very lazy attitude, true though it is that colouring would do that and the whole idea of the character looking either side to reflect would be clearer. Now I’m a lot more certain that it needs to be defined in black and white first. You can’t rely on colour to carry your ideas.
Actually the whole idea of this top panel is based on something I saw on tv about body language. How we look one way to reflect on the past and picture those events and then we look the other to imagine things. So on the left we see him reflecting on how he and his partner (Jojin, no idea why sabres grandmother is called that but that’s what I wrote down) meet the ambassador of the snakerz (with actual adder markings that we get here in the UK). Then on the right he’s picturing that current threat, arch enemy, HuSub! Gripping stuff! ;)

wayne hughes comic art

Panel 2/3 depends how you look at it!

This idea I saw in an X-men book by John Romita jr, it had Xavier telling of his origin and meeting with magneto. The idea being that your seeing into the mind’s eye of the person talking. In this case it’s the Moo father talking about how Moo had shown them visions of Izner and the drones taking the stone of fate and him touching it (as this caused sabres dad in the first issue to grow more muscular and the destiny blade appeared in his hands. What effects will it have…? TBH I’ve not really decided yet but in the last panel I show Izner’s eyes are glowing with Kirby crackle power and he is looking a little more ripped!

wayne hughes comic art

This is the new drone designs. The overall theme of my comic from day one was to tell a personal tale but with conan meets sonic (or Starfox meets Zelda, or just Starfox adventures). With this in mind the sonic hedgehog element being the kidnapping of fluffy nice animals being transformed into mindless zombie robot villains. Also if you’re a warhammer 40k fan like I was, I thought about interchangeable weapons. One of which being the power glove so that’s what I had in my mind. Then one quiet day at the telemarketing place I was working at I drew this in biro. Then later settled on this as how they would appear in the book.
So heres the ‘new’ drones and Iznar touching the stone (dun, dun, duuun!) in the flames of a vision fire set by the church of moo! Chanting “Cows eat grass, grass is nature, nature is all as is moooo!”
Yep, never claimed to be a creative genius!

Finally the glowing eyed Iznar as they kick over the plinth that held the stone and the not so dynamic looking drones walking off with it also not too thrilled by the one keeping look out in the back ground.

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