Tuesday 22 October 2013

Page 6 ''The Temple of Destiny!''

wayne hughes comic artwayne hughes comic art
Working out the perspective on the temple

This page was fun and really challenged me at the same time.

Again I’m drawing figures a lot better now so, Sabre and Golbre (in the 2nd and 3rd panels) I can admit are not perfect, but overall very pleased with the page.

Another of those few moments when its close the original image in my head, but most of all this is when I really began to use dry brushing to full effect, in fact maybe over working it.

wayne hughes comic art
 Panel 1

A homage really to the tomb raider loading screens in those PS1 days. My Mum and step dad were really into games when I was little, and I was raised with NES, SNES Zelda, Mario Bros and then PlayStation resi-evil games and tomb raider. In our house growing up it was quiet normal to hear late at night my mum reading a game guide and dad asking where to next. Also the small fortune they spent ringing the codemasters hotline! Anyway, I digress! I started dry brushing with an older brush (helps keep thicker lines in the brush stroke), was supposed to be just a few bricks but I enjoyed the effect so much and I know although a lot of it is dead space, I also knew I would have the original art on show a lot.

Panel 2-3

As I said before not the best figures I’ve drawn but here was more dry brushing and hatching to create texture on the statues.

Funnily enough after I did a few conventions with issue 2 preview books, which had plain covers for sketches. I was asked to draw the ‘red wolf’ statue, was a nice change from just a quick sabre sketch.

Panel 4

This panel really did take longer to finish than any other I had drawn up until this point!

wayne hughes comic art

I had several ideas and really needed to show the sun rising behind the mountains and night becoming day. This was posted on my Facebook page several times and each time I got friends to help scrutinise what I had done.

I began with masking off sections and intensifying splatters. Then I tried hatching. Then I tried hatching that hatching with tipex.

Finally I remembered in anime how they would show streaks of light going through things so light boxed some spare section of practice board and cut and pasted a new panel over the top. Thanks though to all the people that helped though on Facebook!

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